اسماء ، ذات اور صفا ت
اللہ کے اسماءِ حُسنی میں مَجمعُ البحار اسمِ رحمان ہے۔ تمام صفات واسماءِالہٰیہ رحمان کی وسعتوں میں یکجا اور جلوہ فرما
خْلقِ محمدی
مخلوقات میں خلقتِ انسانی  کو اللہ  تبارک و تعالی نے خْلق کی وجہ سے امتیاز اور فضیلت سے نوازا ہے ۔ خْلق  چند ایک افعال 
فردِملّت -١١
فردِملّت -11 تحریر : پروفیسر علامہ زید گل خٹک بازو ترا توحید کی قوّت سے قوی ہے اسلام ترا دیس ہے، تُو مصطفوی ہے حکیم
Prof Zaid Gul Khattak

 Professor Allama Zaid Gul Khattak is a renowned Islamic scholar from Pakistan. He has been associated with Voice of America’s (VOA) program Dewa Radio for about ten years where most of the topics with respect to Tasawuf were debated including the life history of about five hundred Sufis from the regions of Makkah, Madina, Kufa, Khurasan, Baghdad and Subcontinent. Allama Zaid Gul possesses the deep knowledge of Quran, Sunnah, Islamic Jurispudence, Islamic history and contemporary religions. Another distinction of Allama Zaid Gul is his command on regional and international languages including Arabic, Persian, English, Urdu and Pushto. This allows him to develop a broad perspective which is based on deep understanding of the literature he reads in these different languages. Further, this capacity for languages makes him capable of communicating with the audience on regional, national and international level. He enjoys a vast circle of followers from Subcontinent, Europe, America and the Middle-eastern countries. VoA gave him honorary degree of Doctorate in Philosophy of the subject 

Allama Zaid Gul’s teachings spring from his deep understanding of Sufism, and it has remained a focus point of his learning. His goal is to give momentum to the fundamental understanding of Islam. This goal is achieved through internalizing the Sufi learning, and then presents it to the world through personal manifestation. In this regard, the echo of a Medieval Islamic scholar Ibn-e-Arabi is very prominent in his teachings. This is because he considers Ibn-e-Arabi a true radical voice in the whole realm of Sufism. Jalal ud din Rumi and Allama Muhammad Iqbal are both a great source of inspiration for him. He places these three great names at the core of his inspirational current, and aims to deliver the message of peace, universal brotherhood and humanity through understanding Islam in the light of thoughts of these prominent scholars. The attitude of empathy is a remarkable trait in his personality that attracts even those who hold an antagonist position. His element, which allows accommodating multiple perspectives concerning religious confusions. This approach extends the traditional realm of a fixed mindset to a broader outlook in order to understand religion in a modern sense. Thus, the humanity with its immense variety in the domain of religion finds a shelter in his teachings and humanity is weaved into a unified wholebelief system, breaks away from the rigid moral philosophy to the modern decentring. He never dictates, or sermonize rather his words seem the best suggestion for those who want to adopt the path of truth. This quality exactly stands in juxtaposition with the Quranic way of consolidating the confusions in human mind. Quran explains the right and wrong, and leaves it to the person to decide. This technique is based on the fact that human heart and mind is intrinsically motivated to righteousness. While being consistently engaged in delivering lectures on multiple Islamic topics to various factions of the society,


he is also an advisor to RUH forum (Revival of Uswa-e-Hasanah Forum) Islamabad, and enunciates regular lectures through this forum. Dr Zaid Gul Khattak is also Chariman of Almawaddat - a foundation to unite muslims on common grounds

 Professor Allama Zaid Gul Khattak is a renowned Islamic scholar from Pakistan. He has been associated with Voice of America’s (VOA) program Dewa Radio for about ten years where most of the topics with respect to Tasawuf were debated including the life history of about five hundred Sufis from the
Professor Zaid Gul Khattak gave lectures on  VoA ( Urdu) Voice of America Channel for 12 years on subjects like seerat, Hadith , Tassawuf , Poetry and Iqbaliyat 
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حکیم الامتؒ کا اظہاریہ اور بیانیہ شعر ہے لیکن خبریہ اور انشائیہ بہت عالمانہ اور محققانہ ہے۔ آپؒ الہامی اور کسبی تاریخ کا بےپناہ مطالعہ اور عبقری مشاہدہ رکھتے ہیں۔ اللہ جلّ شانہ کا ارادہ پہلے تعیّنِ
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معراج  النبی صلی الله علیہ وآلہ وسلم 


by Prof Zaid Gul Khattak  Link download                           by Prof Zaid Gul Khattak  Link download

ولادت حضرت عیسی ' ابن مریم علیہ السلام اور مسلمان

by Prof Zaid Gul Khattak  Link download

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