اسماء ، ذات اور صفا ت
اللہ کے اسماءِ حُسنی میں مَجمعُ البحار اسمِ رحمان ہے۔ تمام صفات واسماءِالہٰیہ رحمان کی وسعتوں میں یکجا اور جلوہ فرما
خْلقِ محمدی
مخلوقات میں خلقتِ انسانی  کو اللہ  تبارک و تعالی نے خْلق کی وجہ سے امتیاز اور فضیلت سے نوازا ہے ۔ خْلق  چند ایک افعال 
فردِملّت -١١
فردِملّت -11 تحریر : پروفیسر علامہ زید گل خٹک بازو ترا توحید کی قوّت سے قوی ہے اسلام ترا دیس ہے، تُو مصطفوی ہے حکیم


فصوص الحکم و خصوص الکلم از شیخ اکبر محی الدین محمّد ابن العربی

 پروفیسر علامہ زید گل خٹک


فصوص الحکم و خصوص الکلم از شیخ اکبر محی الدین محمّد ابن العربی

 پروفیسر علامہ زید گل خٹک

فص ھود علیہ السلام






By Prof Zaid Gul Khattak

Ibn e Arabi (ra) says do not say Allah is here and there because that is disrespectful to The Almighty Rabb.

Instead, say Allah is with us everywhere. This is more appropriate. Allah is Rafi ud Darajaat and Rafi us Samawat. He is above all. And creator of everything. His might, His Power and His Bulundi is beyond our comprehension and understanding. Allahu Akbar. Subhanallhul azeem.

Beloved Rasoolallah (s) said, I am with my Rabb and He feeds me.

We may also say Allah is with us but we should never say He is here.

In the Qur'an it says Allah is with the Sabireen. And with the Mutaqeen.

If an Arif or a Salik is blessed with mushahida and Marifat, then they must keep quiet and not tell anyone these secrets. Observe adab strictly like you do in prayers. And never tell anyone. It is not the protocol.

Beloved Rasoolallah (s) said, keep the secret a secret that is the best. Or you will be left behind.

Data Sab (ra) said, when I knew not, I would talk. Now that I know, I am quiet.

When a secret is disclosed, one must keep it to themselves and observe silence and strict adab. If you do, you will be blessed.

The one who is given this blessing is sadatmand. And every saeed has Allah's pleasure.

Anyone who gives pain to Ahl ul Inaya, pain to Sahaba e Ikram, pain to Awliyah Allah, pain to Wali Allah, pain to Ahl ul Bayt - these people with burn in Hell for it.

The ignorant people did not realise that saadat cannot be achieved without the love and muaddat of the Ahl ul Bayt.

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 Professor Allama Zaid Gul Khattak is a renowned Islamic scholar from Pakistan. He has been associated with Voice of America’s (VOA) program Dewa Radio for about ten years where most of the topics with respect to Tasawuf were debated including the life history of about five hundred Sufis from the
Professor Zaid Gul Khattak gave lectures on  VoA ( Urdu) Voice of America Channel for 12 years on subjects like seerat, Hadith , Tassawuf , Poetry and Iqbaliyat 
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حکیم الامتؒ کا اظہاریہ اور بیانیہ شعر ہے لیکن خبریہ اور انشائیہ بہت عالمانہ اور محققانہ ہے۔ آپؒ الہامی اور کسبی تاریخ کا بےپناہ مطالعہ اور عبقری مشاہدہ رکھتے ہیں۔ اللہ جلّ شانہ کا ارادہ پہلے تعیّنِ
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معراج  النبی صلی الله علیہ وآلہ وسلم 


by Prof Zaid Gul Khattak  Link download                           by Prof Zaid Gul Khattak  Link download

ولادت حضرت عیسی ' ابن مریم علیہ السلام اور مسلمان

by Prof Zaid Gul Khattak  Link download

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